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- Regulatory Compliance | Environmental Troubleshooters MN
Environmental, Health and Safety Regulatory Compliance Environmental, Health and Safety Regulatory Compliance ET has developed a process for reviewing commercial and industrial facilities to manage their regulatory compliance issues. The procedure involves an in-depth evaluation of current permits and compliance requirements and though review of their compliance management program. ET also provides compliance audits that allow facilities to check their working compliance program. These audits provide recommendations on how to improve current compliance practices and how to implement new programs that may be necessary. Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures Spill Response Planning Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans Health and Safety Services Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) Compliance Aboveground Storage Tank regulations are currently being enforced by the EPA that require most AST owners with an excess of 1,320 gallons of combined oil storage to have a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) plan. This plan examines the AST system piping, secondary containment, loading and unloading areas, facility drainage, surface water receptors, spill history, site security and training. After the site-specific SPCC plan is developed, a registered professional engineer is required to certify the plan. ET has the experience to tailor your SPCC plan to efficiently bring your AST/UST system to compliance. Upgrading A Petroleum Bulk Plant Lifting Tanks out of the Berm with a Crane Applying a Cathodic Protection Lining in Tank Upgrading A Petroleum Bulk Plant 1/4 Facility Response Plan (FRP) and Emergency Response Spill Planning A Facility Response Plan and Emergency Response Spill Plan (Spill Plans) is required by the Oil Pollution Act of 1990. United States Coast Guard (USGS) administered these regulations when there are fuel transfers from shore to vessels. The Spill Plans must be specific to the Company’s operation, include how to transfer fuel over water and a contingency plan in the event a release should occur during fuel transferring activities. Ore Boat Fuel Delivery Ore Boat Fuel Delivery Overfill Fuel Transfer Spill Ore Boat Fuel Delivery 1/3 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) / National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permits A SWPPP is designed to reduce contaminants from entering storm water and to eliminate their discharge off-site or into surface waters. The SWPPP consists of evaluating potential source of contamination, site discharges to storm water systems, establishing Best Management Procedures (BMPs) to reduce adverse impacts to storm water, eliminating improper connections to storm water systems, reducing run-on from off-site areas and minimizing the amount of pollutants in storm water. A SWPPP consists of planning and organizing a pollution prevention team, conducting a site assessment to determine if storm water pollution sources are present and/or discharging off-site, identifying BMPs to reduce storm water pollution and discharge, implementing BMPs and SWPPP evaluation. We also work with your staff and provide training to minimize or eliminate storm water pollution and off-site discharge. Storm Water Discharge Pipe Storm Water Outfall Storm Water Discharge Culvert Storm Water Discharge Pipe 1/3 Health and Safety Services Customized OSHA Compliance Programs OSHA Compliance Management Record Keeping Employee Training OSHA Inspection Support OSHA's visibility has increased in recent years. This increased visibility has brought forth more regulations, an increased number of citations and an increased dollar amount per citation. Environmental Troubleshooters, Inc. offers a comprehensive OSHA compliance service to reduce injuries, illnesses and citations. Our OSHA service starts with interviewing the employer, conducting a facility walk-through and inspecting records to determine if compliance deficiencies exist. The identified compliance deficiencies are then ranked and a workplan for compliance is developed. The client can then choose the best compliance option for their business. Once a compliance option is selected, ET will implement and maintain the OSHA programs you have chosen on a routine basis. Our OSHA service provides all the necessary written plans, inventory forms and training record forms. Some of the compliance programs we offer include Employee Right-To-Know, Compressed Gas, Lockout/Tagout, Hearing Conservation, Confined Spaces, Chemical Hygiene, AWAIR, Personal Protective Equipment, Respiratory Protection, Emergency Planning, Ergonomics, Bloodborne Pathogens, Forklift Safety, Crane Safety, Machine Operator Safety, Driver Safety and an OSHA Compliance Checklist. Environmental Troubleshooters, Inc. also provides OSHA inspection support services. We are onsite for the investigation, discuss any deficiencies with OSHA and the Employer, meet with the Employer’s Attorney, create a schedule to bring the Workplace back into compliance and create the necessary plan and training revisions to ensure deficiencies do not reoccur. Lockout/Tagout Kit OSHA Warning Labels OSHA Warning Labels Lockout/Tagout Kit 1/3
- COVID-19/Coronavirus Disinfecting | Environmental Troubleshooters MN
COVID-19/Coronavirus Disinfecting COVID-19 Employers have been shut down for several months during the COVID-19 pandemic. As the economy starts to reopen and the second wave of infections are predicted, business sanitation to keep employees and customers safe is of paramount importance to all employers. To help business through these COVID-19 issues, Environmental Troubleshooters, Inc. (ET) is available to provide COVID-19 response services. COVID-19 Services Response to COVID-19 outbreaks. Disinfecting contaminated facilities. Develop site-specific cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitation plans. Provide OSHA Compliant Infectious Agent, Respiratory Protection and Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) written plans. Perform Inhouse OSHA Employee Training for COVID-19 Infectious Agents, Hazard Communication/Employee Right to Know, Respiratory Protection and PPE. Disinfecting and Surface Cleaning For over two decades, ET has provided fungus and bacteria remediation services. To address the current COVID-19 pandemic, ET has now implemented new safety measures, established virus specific cleanup procedures and expanded our line of disinfectant equipment. During a COVID-19 response ET will provide: Trained personnel equipped with Tyvek suits, gloves and respirators. We have qualified staff that has been trained in various disinfecting techniques and will wear personal protective equipment that exceeds CDC recommendations. Disinfecting equipment. For largescale projects, ET typically uses industrial sprayers to fog and mist down horizontal and vertical surfaces. For small-scale projects, ET uses hand-held foggers to disinfect a specific area, equipment or structure more discretely. Use of CDC and EPA disinfectants. ET uses a specialized ozone-based disinfectant that is CDC and EPA recommended and a less toxic alternative to the standard bleach or ammonia-based disinfectants that are traditionally used. Our disinfectant does not leave an odor, fade furnishings or damage building surfaces.
- Projects | Environmental Troubleshooters MN
Projects This page is currently under construction. Stay tuned for updates!
- Employment Opportunities | Environmental Troubleshooters MN
Employment Opportunities If you are interested in working at Environmental Troubleshooters, email a cover letter and resume to cwilson@etsmn.com .
- Sonic Plus Water Treatment System | Environmental Troubleshooters MN
Sonic Plus Water Treatment System Restoring Water Quality in a Lake Assembly of Sonic Plus Water Treatment System Inline Sonic Plus water treatment unit (Red value) installed into an irrigation system Sonic Plus Water Treatment System Restoring Water Quality in a Lake 1/4 The Sonic Plus water treatment system is a proprietary, patent pending, portable standalone water treatment device that uses sonication technology to enhance water quality and reduce aquatic toxicity. This technology organically restores impacted water bodies and holds the potential of replacing the current practice of applying harmful chemical shock treatment to water. The Sonic Plus is a flow through device that recirculates water through the unit and discharges the treated water back into the soil, groundwater table or surface water body. This technology can be used to restore the water quality in lakes, streams, and ground water aquifers. During the past several years, the Sonic Plus has been demonstrated to reduce elevated levels of Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) in surface water, conserve irrigation water usage, increase crop production, enhance livestock hydration, produce more farm animal offspring, increase milk quantity and quality, and improve the overall health to livestock. Agricultural Irrigation Surface Water Treatment Agricultural Irrigation Our patent pending Sonic Plus technology has been proven in the agricultural industry. Our initial agricultural application installed the Sonic Plus to a center pivot irrigator to conserve water usage. While this application was successful in conserving the amount of water pumped into the soil, we discovered the system also acted as a yield-enhancer for row crops. This system is now routinely used by many row crop farmers to cut their irrigation costs, while improving their crop yield per acre. The below picture tells the Sonic Plus story. Clean water irrigation technology not only conserves water but enhances row crop yield to improve the bottom line for farmers. Two neighboring fields: the field in the foreground used the Sonic Plus technology on a center pivot irrigator, while the field in the background (north of the road) used a standard center pivot irrigator. Note the improved health and growth rate of the crops by using Sonic Plus water enhancement. This agricultural technology is not just limited to the row crop farmer. Our technology has also been applied to livestock production. For many years, people have looked for a more natural or organic method of livestock production. Much of this organic movement has centered around the elimination of chemicals, additives and growth hormones to livestock and their food source. However, the water or hydration of the animal has been the forgotten factor. That is until now. For three years, the Sonic Plus has been installed into the water delivery system at a local diary. This system has provided a cleaner and more healthy water source for the dairy cows and the results are nothing short of astounding. The dairy saw improved health in every measurable category, birth rate, growth rate and milk production, etc. The table and graph below depict how cleaner and healthier hydration of milk cows translates to greater profitability for the dairy. Surface Water Treatment For the past 5 years, we have been using the Sonic Plus water treatment system for the restoration of surface waters that are impaired with Cyanobacteria or blue-green algae as it is commonly referred to. The Sonic Plus treatment system is suspended in the water column, so water can be continuously pumped through the proprietary sonic tube to generate sound frequencies. These sonic frequencies enhance the water’s natural physical properties and reacts as a catalyst throughout the water column to reduce toxic levels of blue-green algae. The Sonic Plus treatment system has demonstrated a significant reduction of blue-green algae in several popular recreation lakes, private ponds and decorative fountains. In the Summer of 2016 and 2017, the Sonic Plus water treatment system was placed in operation at the outlet of Lake Crystal. Below are the before and after photos of Minneopa Falls, which is approximately 12 miles downstream from the outlet of Lake Crystal. Note, the reduction of blue-green algae and the improved water clarity of the Minnopea Falls during the Sonic Plus operation period. 2016 Crystal Lake Recap and Minneopa Falls Historically Impaired Water, Minneopa Falls Pre-Sonic Plus Water Treatment System 2014 Lake Crystal Outlet Restored Water Quality, Minneopa Falls Post-Sonic Plus Water Treatment Project 2016-2017 in Lake Crystal Outlet Today our surface water restoration work is expanding. The implementation and application of this system continues to show positive results for multiple water quality parameters with direct evidence of suppression of cynobacteria levels and improvement in desired oxygen levels. The positive results of suppression of bacteria levels and improved oxygen levels also appears to effect: a reduction of invasive species, regeneration of native plants, increase in the population of desired game fish. Continued testing seems to confirm other water quality and environmental benefits from using this groundbreaking technology.
- Press Releases | Environmental Troubleshooters MN
Press Releases Visit this page every Monday for our weekly press releases. July 13 - Phase 5 of Knife River Restoration Project Environmental Troubleshooters, Inc. has been awarded the fifth Phase of the Knife River Restoration project. This project will stabilize streambanks, create spawning redds and improve trout rearing habitat in the lower 2,500 liner feet of Reach 4. The project also includes the survey of approximately 2 miles of stream between Lake County Highway 11 and Lake County Highway 9, the restoration design to stabilize an eroding streambank in Reach 13 and removal of flood debris from the Lower Knife River Falls and Cable Hole. July 3 - New Employee Emma Burgeson Emma Burgeson has joined Environmental Troubleshooters, Inc. as an environmental scientist and field technician. She graduated with her Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from Western Washington University and her Master of Science in Water Resources Science from the University of Minnesota. She brings a background in ecology, hydrology, and geomorphology that will add to our stream restoration services. Additionally, Emma is an FAA licensed drone pilot and plans to use video and photogrammetry to monitor the extent of spills and aid in stream assessment surveying. April 21 - ET Wins Bid For Petroleum Soil Excavation Environmental Troubleshooters won the State of Minnesota bid for the Petroleum Soil Excavation at the former Jeff’s Super Service in Greenbush, Minnesota. The project scope of work includes the excavation of contaminated soil, the pumping of contaminated ground water, landfill disposal of petroleum contaminated soils and backfilling the excavation. March 30 - New Employee Brett Bjergo Brett Bjergo joined ET in February of 2020 as a field scientist. Mr. Bjergo received his Bachelors of Science degree in Geological Science and a minor in Environmental Science from the University of Minnesota – Duluth. His primary role is to conduct soil and groundwater sampling, perform Phase I and II assessments and respond to environmental emergencies. Mr. Bjergo’s previous work experience consists of disaster response, remediation and cleanup and preserving/restoring native prairies. January 26 - New Stream Project Environmental Troubleshooters was awarded the North Fork of the Zumbro River Channel Restoration project in January 2021. The project includes the excavation of 30,000 cubic yards of soil, placement of 400 cubic yards of rip rap, installation of 400 linear feet of toe wood, planting of 450 live willow stakes, construction of two instream riffle structure and the removal of a remnant dam. September 21 - New Boom and Skimmer The new Boom and Skimmer have arrived. Environmental Troubleshooters, Inc. has purchased 4,600 linear feet of Acme Containment Boom and a 36” Drum Skimmer. We are currently pursuing an OSRO with the Coast Guard to provide additional spill response resources to the Northland. September 7 - New Employee Camie Pederson Camie Pederson had 32 years of environmental safety experience prior to joining Environmental Troubleshooters. She is our primary emergency responder and project manager in the Twin Cities. Her emergency response experience ranges from small-scale petroleum dispenser spills to catastrophic tank/line failure involving the release of thousands of gallons of free petroleum product. August 31 - New Employee Brian Hayden Brian Hayden joined ET’s team in 2019 as a senior project manager. He has over 35 years of diverse environmental experience working in the consulting, governmental and private sectors. As an environmental geologist/hydrogeologist he has extensive background conducting site investigations and remediations, environmental site assessments, brownfield redevelopments, landfill permitting and closures and environmental compliance. Brian’s experience also includes 10 years as an Environmental Manager for a Class I railroad where he was responsible for environmental compliance and management of facilities located in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan. He specialties and expertise include emergency response and preparedness with having responded and managed small to national incidents. Brian’s able to assist ET clients with Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs), Spill Prevention, Countermeasures and Controls (SPCC) plans, emergency response planning and response management. August 24 - ET's New Equipment Environmental Troubleshooters has acquired new equipment. ET purchased an 80 BBL vacuum truck, as well as a brand new enclosed pressure washer trailer. The pressure washer trailer has hot, cold, and steam capabilities. ET has also acquired 4,600 feet of boom and a new skimmer. New Vaccuum Truck 1 New Vaccuum Truck 2 New Vaccuum Truck 4 New Vaccuum Truck 1 1/4 Pressure Washer Trailer 1 Pressure Washer Trailer 2 Pressure Washer Trailer 14 Pressure Washer Trailer 1 1/14 August 17 - ET's New Twin Cities Office Environmental Troubleshooters Inc. is excited to announce the opening of a new Twin Cities office. The office is staffed and ready to respond to your environmental needs, such as emergency response, industrial services, remediation, waste management, and vacuum truck transportation services. Please feel free to call us if you have any questions or need assistance.
- Company Information/History | Environmental Troubleshooters MN
Company Information and History History Environmental Troubleshooters, Inc. (ET) is a comprehensive environmental consulting and contracting firm that was established in 1995. During our history, we have conducted over 2,000 projects regulated under Superfund, Petroleum Remediation and Brownfields, Underground and Aboveground Storage Tank (UST/AST), Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), Clean Water Act and Asbestos programs. The hazardous substances / contaminants that ET has experience working with include petroleum products, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), heavy metals, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), asbestos, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), agricultural chemicals, mixed industrial wastes, tank and sump sludges and regulated building materials. ET has also performed projects under Level B, C and D conditions. Approach Unlike traditional environmental firms, ET has the ability to provide a full turn-key service. Our turn-key process assesses the project, devises the scope of work, collects samples, designs the remedy, provide technical oversight, performs the physical labor and contracting service to remedy the problem and completes the reports. This turn-key or design-build process provides onsite flexibility to make real-time decisions based on field observations. This designed build feature also limits the shutdown of projects to solicited or rebid project scope changes, which ultimately provides a more effective, timely and cost efficient project. Staff, Certifications and Licenses ET has a diverse staff of managerial, professional and technical personnel. Our staff consists of Professional Geologists, Certified Hazardous Material Managers, MPCA Certified Vapor Mitigation Specialist, Army Corp of Engineers Certified Wetland Delineator, Rosgen Level IV Stream Restoration Specialist, MPCA Certified Construction Storm Water Designers, Installers and Inspectors, EPA Asbestos Project Designers, Inspectors and Contractor Superiors, EPA Lead Paint Supervisors, MPCA Certified Underground Storage Tank Remover, RCRA Hazardous Waste Generator Training, FEMA National Incident Management System, NOAA Shoreline Cleanup and Assessment, MPCA Open Water Boom Training, MDH Monitoring Well Contractors and DOT Class A Licensed Drivers. Service Areas ET has provided environmental services throughout the Midwest. We have worked in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Dakota, South Dakota and Illinois. Click Here To Contact Us!
- News | Environmental Troubleshooters MN
News Click any of the sections below to view our news items. Stay tuned for future Environmental Troubleshooters updates! Press Releases Published Articles ET in the News Awards Employment Opportunities
- Stream Restoration | Environmental Troubleshooters MN
Stream Restoration Extensive logging removed riparian trees throughout many watersheds, which has led to deteriorating streambanks, a discharge of sediment and impacts to the stream channel. This continuous watershed instability negatively effects water temperature, sediment load and fish habitat. ET utilizes a restoration approach called Natural Channel Design to restore critical stream parameters. ET’s Natural Channel Design approach includes: Assessment and surveying of the stream using Natural Channel Design methodology. Collection survey data and biological data necessary to complete project permit applications and design a rehabilitation project. Monitoring the water temperature to select project site(s). Designing a stream restoration project to restore watershed function and stability. Restore the stream channel’s shape, dimension and profile. Enhance instream trout habitat by strategically positioning large woody debris, rock vanes and “J” hooks into the channel. Reconnect the channel to the floodplain. Create new floodplain benches and wetlands to retain water on the landscape. Raise the groundwater table. Stabilize streambanks with use of Toe Wood/Root Wads. Rehabilitate the riparian overhead tree canopy with native vegetative species. Stream Surveying and Restoration Design Restoration Construction Stream Surveying and Restoration Design ET uses the science-based Natural Channel Design methodology to assess and survey impacted stream reaches. This assessment/surveys method collects data from the impacted stream reach and compares it to several stable stream sections. All survey work is performed using a geomorphic trained Stream Specialist. Our assessment data collects stream width to depth ratios, floodplain elevation, erosion calculations, longitudinal profile, cross-section elevation and vegetation cover. The survey data is entered into a specialized stream restoration computer-based program to create plans and specifications that will restore impacted stream features. These restoration plans create the basis for the construction project by depicting channel shape, size and dimension reconfiguration, placement of structures, streambed depth, streambank elevation and any stream channel realignment. Another advantage of using ET for stream project designs is our projects are created to be self-maintaining due to our understanding of precise streambank elevations, channel shape and sediment transport. When the Natural Channel Design projects are properly designed, it results in a stable channel, that transports sediment, with an abundance of instream woody debris that creates scour pools and retained spawning gravels. Identified an Eroding Streambank during the Rapid Stream Assessment Cross-sectional Survey Longitudinal Survey Identified an Eroding Streambank during the Rapid Stream Assessment 1/3 Restoration Construction Historically large instream woody debris was prevalent in watersheds. This large wood created structure to the stream and created side channels, stabilize of banks, connected floodplains, retained spawning substrate and scoured sediment deposits. Today, much of this wood has been lost due to channelization and flooding, which has led to an increase in channel instability, bank erosion, and sediment discharge. To restore these stream impacts, ET imports large wood to rehabilitate the shape and pattern of the stream channel. Besides creating a stabilize and functioning channel, this substrate redirects current flow, creates deep scour pools, retains spawning gravels and stabilizes streambanks. This construction method that utilizes only natural materials, differs from traditional restoration methods that armor streambanks with riprap. The benefits of natural materials are the enhancement of instream habitat that support fish and a more aesthetic appeal. Placing Large Rock to Raise the Pool Height to allow for Easier Trout Passage Adding Large Woody Debris Placed in the Streambed Restored Reach - 3 Years Post Construction Placing Large Rock to Raise the Pool Height to allow for Easier Trout Passage 1/9
- Due Diligence | Environmental Troubleshooters MN
Due Diligence, Property Transactions, Mergers Acquisitions and Redevelopment Environmental Troubleshooters Inc. works with developers, attorneys, lenders and municipalities to facilitate property transactions and redevelopment of contaminated sites, including: Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) Phase I ESAs Phase II ESAs Brownfields Redevelopment Clean Up Grant Assistance and Response Action Plans (RAPs) Sub-slab Vapor Mitigation Diagnostic Analysis and System Installation Contaminated Soil Excavation and Off-site Disposal Site Closure Negotiations and Regulatory Assurances Affidavits, No Further Action Letters and No Association Determinations Cost to Close Estimates / Diminution Valuation Environmental Site Assessments Brownfields Redevelopment Site Closure Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Services ET performs Phase I ESA services to protect prospective property owners, developers and financial institutions from liability. Our ESAs are conducted in accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards and EPA's All Appropriate Inquiry Requirements. Supplemental services required under Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Small Business Administration (SBA) are also available. When a Phase I ESA identifies recognized environmental conditions (RECs), data gaps or business environmental risks at a site, ET performs a Phase II ESA to assess for the presence of contaminants, including the collection of soil, groundwater and soil vapor to determine the extent and to quantify the risk to the property and occupants. Burn Pit Improper Drum Storage Geoprobe Soil Cores from Phase II Subsurface Sampling Burn Pit 1/6 Brownfields Redevelopment and Clean Up Grant Assistance Brownfields are properties that are contaminated from historic uses. There are unique challenges to redeveloping brownfield sites, including reducing unknowns, cost control, and complying with environmental regulations while running an efficient construction project. State and federal grant funding may be available to assist with redevelopment, including vapor mitigation and contaminated soil management. ET has worked with municipalities and developers for over a decade to assist clients with obtaining state and federal brownfields grants. These grants benefit the community by redeveloping underutilized properties, reducing neighborhood blight, increasing property values and tax base and stimulating redevelopment to the surrounding area. Gander Mountain Brownfields Redevelopment - Before Gander Mountain Brownfields Redevelopment - After Beacon Pointe Brownfields Redevelopment - After Gander Mountain Brownfields Redevelopment - Before 1/6 Site Closure Negotiations and Regulatory Assurances Regulatory protections are available for buyers, developers and lenders associated with brownfield properties. If these parties follow the proper due diligence path, they can be granted voluntary party status and receive regulatory No Further Action Letters, No Association Determinations and/or Off-site Source Determinations. These assurances program provide developers with a regulatory path to move forward, banks confidence to loan money and collateralize the site, and realtors the ability to market and sell the site. Many leak or spill sites that have been previously closed still remain contaminated. This residual site contamination may result in a decrease to the value of the property. ET routinely assists clients with determining the property value reductions at sites due to the presence of contamination.